Data Protection Policy
1. Introduction
1.1 Background to the General Data Protection Regulation (‘GDPR’)
The General Data Protection Regulation 2016 replaces the EU Data Protection Directive of 1995 and supersedes the individual Member States' laws developed in compliance with the Data Protection Directive 95/46/EC. Its purpose is to protect the “rights and freedoms” of natural persons (i.e., living individuals) and to ensure that personal data is not processed without their knowledge and, wherever possible, processed with their consent.
1.2 Definitions used by the organisation (drawn from the GDPR)
Material scope (Article 2) – The GDPR applies to the processing of personal data wholly or partly by automated means (i.e., by computer) and to the processing other than by automated means of personal data (i.e., paper records) that form part of a filing system or are intended to form part of a filing system.
Territorial scope (Article 3) – The GDPR applies to all controllers established in the EU (European Union) who process the personal data of data subjects, in the context of that establishment. It also applies to controllers outside of the EU that process personal data to offer goods and services or monitor the behavior of data subjects resident in the EU.
1.3 Article 4 definitions
Establishment – The main establishment of the controller in the EU will be the place where the controller makes the primary decisions about the purpose and means of its data processing activities. The main establishment of a processor in the EU will be its administrative center. If a controller is based outside the EU, it will have to appoint a representative in the jurisdiction where the controller operates to act on behalf of the controller and deal with supervisory authorities.
Personal data – Any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person ('data subject'); an identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, particularly by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural, or social identity of that natural person.
Special categories of personal data – Personal data revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, or trade-union membership, and the processing of genetic data, biometric data for uniquely identifying a natural person, data concerning health or data concerning a natural person's sex life or sexual orientation.
Data controller – The natural or legal person, public authority, agency, or other body that, alone or jointly with others, determines the purposes and means of processing personal data; where the purposes and means of such processing are determined by Union or Member State law, the controller or the specific criteria for its nomination may be provided for by Union or Member State law.
Data subject – Any living individual who is the subject of personal data held by an organisation.
Processing – Any operation or set of operations performed on personal data or sets of personal data, whether or not by automated means, such as collection, recording, organization, structuring, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination, or otherwise making available, alignment or combination, restriction, erasure, or destruction.
Profiling – Any form of automated processing of personal data intended to evaluate certain personal aspects relating to a natural person, or to analyze or predict that person’s performance at work, economic situation, location, health, personal preferences, reliability, or behavior. This definition is linked to the right of the data subject to object to profiling and a right to be informed about the existence of profiling, of measures based on profiling, and the envisaged effects of profiling on the individual.
Personal data breach – A breach of security leading to the accidental, or unlawful, destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure of, or access to, personal data transmitted, stored, or otherwise processed. There is an obligation on the controller to report personal data breaches to the relevant supervising authority and where the breach is likely to adversely affect the personal data or privacy of the data subject.
Data subject consent – Any freely given, specific, informed, and unambiguous indication of the data subject's wishes by which he or she, by a statement or by a clear affirmative action, signifies agreement to the processing of personal data.
Child – The GDPR defines a child as anyone under the age of 16 years old, although this may be lowered to 13 by Member State law. The processing of personal data of a child is only lawful if parental or custodian consent has been obtained. The controller shall make reasonable efforts to verify in such cases that consent is given or authorized by the holder of parental responsibility over the child.
Third party – A natural or legal person, public authority, agency, or body other than the data subject, controller, processor, and persons who, under the direct authority of the controller or processor, are authorized to process personal data.
Filing system – Any structured set of personal data that is accessible according to specific criteria, whether centralized, decentralized, or dispersed on a functional or geographical basis.
2. Policy statement
The management of Starkai Technologies, with its registered office address at [insert address], are committed to compliance with all relevant EU and Member State laws concerning personal data, and the protection of the “rights and freedoms” of individuals whose information Starkai Technologies collects and processes in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) when it is applicable to Starkai Technologies.
Compliance with the GDPR is described by this policy and other relevant policies and procedures.
The GDPR and this policy apply to all of Starkai Technologies’ personal data processing functions (when it is applicable), including those performed on customers’, clients’, employees’, suppliers’, and partners’ personal data, and any other personal data the organization processes from any source.
The Privacy Officer (where one is appointed) is responsible for reviewing the register of processing annually in light of any changes to Starkai Technologies’ activities (as determined by changes to the data inventory register and the management review) and to any additional requirements identified by means of data protection impact assessments.
This policy applies to all Employees/Staff and interested parties of Starkai Technologies such as outsourced suppliers. Any breach of the GDPR will be dealt with under Starkai Technologies’ disciplinary policy and may also be a criminal offense, in which case the matter will be reported as soon as possible to the appropriate authorities.
Partners and any third parties working with or for Starkai Technologies, and who have or may have access to personal data, will be expected to have read, understood, and to comply with this policy. No third party may access personal data held by Starkai Technologies without having first entered into a data confidentiality agreement, which imposes on the third party obligations no less onerous than those to which Starkai Technologies is committed, and which gives Starkai Technologies the right to audit compliance with the agreement.
3. Responsibilities and roles under the General Data Protection Regulation
Starkai Technologies is a data controller and a data processor under the GDPR.
Senior Management and all those in managerial or supervisory roles throughout Starkai Technologies are responsible for developing and encouraging good information handling practices within Starkai Technologies; responsibilities are set out in individual job descriptions.
Compliance with data protection legislation is the responsibility of all Employees/Staff of Starkai Technologies who process personal data.
Starkai Technologies’ Training Policy sets out specific training and awareness requirements in relation to specific roles and Employees/Staff of Starkai Technologies generally.
Employees/Staff of Starkai Technologies are responsible for ensuring that any personal data about them and supplied by them to Starkai Technologies is accurate and up-to-date.
4. Data protection principles
All processing of personal data must be conducted in accordance with the data protection principles as set out in Article 5 of the GDPR. Starkai Technologies’ policies and procedures are designed to ensure compliance with the principles.
4.1 Personal data must be processed lawfully, fairly, and transparently
Lawful – Identify a lawful basis before you can process personal data. These are often referred to as the “conditions for processing,” for example consent.
Fairly – In order for processing to be fair, the data controller has to make certain information available to the data subjects as practicable. This applies whether the personal data was obtained directly from the data subjects or from other sources.
Transparently – The GDPR includes rules on giving privacy information to data subjects in Articles 12, 13, and 14. These are detailed and specific, placing an emphasis on making privacy notices understandable and accessible. Information must be communicated to the data subject in an intelligible form using clear and plain language.
The specific information that must be provided to the data subject must, as a minimum, include:
- the identity and the contact details of the controller and, if any, of the controller's representative;
- the contact details of the Privacy Officer (where one is appointed);
- the purposes of the processing for which the personal data are intended as well as the legal basis for the processing;
- the period for which the personal data will be stored;
- the existence of the rights to request access, rectification, erasure, or to object to the processing, and the conditions (or lack of) relating to exercising these rights, such as whether the lawfulness of previous processing will be affected;
- the categories of personal data concerned;
- the recipients or categories of recipients of the personal data, where applicable;
- where applicable, that the controller intends to transfer personal data to a recipient in a third country and the level of protection afforded to the data;
- any further information necessary to guarantee fair processing.
4.2 Personal data can only be collected for specific, explicit, and legitimate purposes
Data obtained for specified purposes must not be used for a purpose that differs from those formally notified to the relevant supervising authority as part of Starkai Technologies’ GDPR register of processing. Privacy Procedure sets out the relevant procedures.
4.3 Personal data must be adequate, relevant, and limited to what is necessary for processing
- The Directors are responsible for ensuring that Starkai Technologies does not collect information that is not strictly necessary for the purpose for which it is obtained.
- All data collection forms (electronic or paper-based), including data collection requirements in new information systems, must include a fair processing statement or link to privacy statement and approved by the Directors.
- The Directors will ensure that, on an annual basis, all data collection methods are reviewed by both internal and external audits to ensure that collected data continues to be adequate, relevant, and not excessive.
4.4 Personal data must be accurate and kept up to date with every effort to erase or rectify without delay
- Data that is stored by the data controller must be reviewed and updated as necessary. No data should be kept unless it is reasonable to assume that it is accurate.
- The Directors are responsible for ensuring that all staff are trained in the importance of collecting accurate data and maintaining it. Staff training is conducted via a web-based series which staff shall undertake annually.
- It is also the responsibility of the data subject to ensure that data held by Starkai Technologies is accurate and up to date. Completion of a registration or application form by a data subject will include a statement that the data contained therein is accurate at the date of submission.
- Employees/Staff are required to notify Starkai Technologies of any changes in circumstance to enable personal records to be updated accordingly. It is the responsibility of Starkai Technologies to ensure that any notification regarding change of circumstances is recorded and acted upon.
- The Directors are responsible for ensuring that appropriate procedures and policies are in place to keep personal data accurate and up to date, taking into account the volume of data collected, the speed with which it might change, and any other relevant factors.
- On at least an annual basis, the Directors will review the retention dates of all the personal data processed by Starkai Technologies, by reference to the data inventory, and will identify any data that is no longer required in the context of the registered purpose. This data will be securely deleted/destroyed in line with the Secure Disposal of Storage Media Procedure.
- The Directors are responsible for responding to requests for rectification from data subjects within one month (See Subject Access Request Procedure). This can be extended to a further two months for complex requests. If Starkai Technologies decides not to comply with the request, the Directors must respond to the data subject to explain its reasoning and inform them of their right to complain to the relevant supervising authority and seek judicial remedy.
- The Directors are responsible for making appropriate arrangements that, where third-party organisations may have been passed inaccurate or out-of-date personal data, to inform them that the information is inaccurate and/or out of date and is not to be used to inform decisions about the individuals concerned; and for passing any correction to the personal data to the third party where this is required.
4.5 Personal data must be kept in a form such that the data subject can be identified only as long as is necessary for processing
- Where personal data is retained beyond the processing date, it will be either anonymized, encrypted, or pseudonymized to protect the identity of the data subject in the event of a data breach.
- Personal data will be retained in line with the Retention of Records Procedure and, once its retention date is passed, it must be securely destroyed as set out in this procedure.
- The Directors must specifically approve any data retention that exceeds the retention periods defined in the Retention of Records Procedure, and must ensure that the justification is clearly identified and in line with the requirements of the data protection legislation. This approval must be written.
4.6 Personal data must be processed in a manner that ensures appropriate security
The Directors will carry out a risk assessment taking into account all the circumstances of Starkai Technologies’ controlling or processing operations.
In determining appropriateness, the Directors should also consider the extent of possible damage or loss that might be caused to individuals (e.g., staff or customers) if a security breach occurs, the effect of any security breach on Starkai Technologies itself, and any likely reputational damage including the possible loss of customer trust.
When assessing appropriate technical measures, the Directors will consider the following:
- Password protection;
- Automatic locking of idle terminals;
- Removal of access rights for USB and other memory media;
- Virus checking software and firewalls;
- Role-based access rights including those assigned to temporary staff;
- Encryption of devices that leave the organisation's premises such as laptops;
- Security of local and wide area networks;
- Privacy enhancing technologies such as pseudonymization and anonymization; and
- Identifying appropriate international security standards relevant to Starkai Technologies.
When assessing appropriate organizational measures, the Directors will consider the following:
- The appropriate training levels throughout Starkai Technologies;
- Measures that consider the reliability of employees (such as references etc.);
- The inclusion of data protection in employment contracts;
- Identification of disciplinary action measures for data breaches;
- Monitoring of staff for compliance with relevant security standards;
- Physical access controls to electronic and paper-based records;
- Adoption of a clear desk policy;
- Storing of paper-based data in lockable fire-proof cabinets;
- Restricting the use of portable electronic devices outside of the workplace;
- Restricting the use of employees’ own personal devices being used in the workplace;
- Adopting clear rules about passwords;
- Making regular backups of personal data and storing the media off-site; and
- The imposition of contractual obligations on the importing organisations to take appropriate security measures when transferring data outside the EEA.
These controls have been selected based on identified risks to personal data, and the potential for damage or distress to individuals whose data is being processed.
4.7 The controller must be able to demonstrate compliance with the GDPR’s other principles (accountability)
The GDPR includes provisions that promote accountability and governance. These complement the GDPR’s transparency requirements. The accountability principle in Article 5(2) requires Starkai Technologies to demonstrate that it complies with the principles and states explicitly that this is Starkai Technologies’ responsibility.
Starkai Technologies will demonstrate compliance with the data protection principles by implementing data protection policies, adhering to codes of conduct, implementing technical and organizational measures, as well as adopting techniques such as data protection by design, DPIAs, breach notification procedures, and incident response plans.
5. Data subjects’ rights
Data subjects have the following rights regarding data processing, and the data that is recorded about them:
- To make subject access requests regarding the nature of information held and to whom it has been disclosed.
- To prevent processing likely to cause damage or distress.
- To prevent processing for purposes of direct marketing.
- To be informed about the mechanics of automated decision-taking processes that will significantly affect them.
- To not have significant decisions that will affect them taken solely by automated process.
- To sue for compensation if they suffer damage by any contravention of the GDPR.
- To take action to rectify, block, erase, including the right to be forgotten, or destroy inaccurate data.
- To request the relevant supervising authority to assess whether any provision of the GDPR has been contravened.
- To have personal data provided to them in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format, and the right to have that data transmitted to another controller.
- To object to any automated profiling that is occurring without consent.
Starkai Technologies ensures that data subjects may exercise these rights:
- Data subjects may make data access requests as described in the Subject Access Request Procedure; this procedure also describes how Starkai Technologies will ensure that its response to the data access request complies with the requirements of the GDPR.
- Data subjects have the right to complain to Starkai Technologies related to the processing of their personal data, the handling of a request from a data subject, and appeals from a data subject on how complaints have been handled in line with the Complaints Procedure.
6. Procedure for correcting inaccurate records, deleting records, or suspending the processing of records
Although Starkai Technologies will take reasonable steps in the circumstances to ensure the accuracy of the information held, Data subjects can email the Directors, the HR department (in the case of staff) to request changes to incorrect data or to request deletion of their data.
If a request is received by a member of staff it should immediately be escalated to their responsible line manager who should consult the Directors.
7. Consent
Starkai Technologies understands ‘consent’ to mean that it has been made explicitly and is freely given, and a specific, informed, and unambiguous indication of the data subject’s wishes that, by statement or by a clear affirmative action, signifies agreement to the processing of personal data relating to him or her. The data subject can withdraw their consent at any time.
Starkai Technologies understands ‘consent’ to mean that the data subject has been fully informed of the intended processing and has signified their agreement, while in a fit state of mind to do so and without pressure being exerted upon them. Consent obtained under duress or on the basis of misleading information will not be a valid basis for processing.
There must be some active communication between the parties to demonstrate active consent. Consent cannot be inferred from non-response to a communication. The Controller must be able to demonstrate that consent was obtained for the processing operation.
For sensitive data, explicit written consent of data subjects must be obtained unless an alternative legitimate basis for processing exists, such as the processing is necessary for the establishment, exercise, or defense of legal claims.
In most instances, consent to process personal and sensitive data is obtained routinely by Starkai Technologies using standard consent documents e.g., when a new client signs a contract, terms of business, or completion of a consent form.
Where Starkai Technologies provides services to children, parental or custodial authorization must be obtained. This requirement applies to children under the age of 16 (unless the Member State has made provision for a lower age limit, which may be no lower than 13).
8. Procedure for Removing Consent
Where Starkai Technologies uses consent as a legal basis for processing personal data, Data Subjects have the right at any time to remove their consent.
Data subjects can email the Directors or the HR department (in the case of staff) to remove their consent. If a request is received by a member of staff it should immediately be escalated to their responsible line manager who should consult the Directors.
In the case of direct marketing via email, there will always be an unsubscribe button in the footer of the email which can be clicked by the Data Subject to remove their consent to receiving such emails.
9. Data Classification
Starkai Technologies uses the following data classification criteria for all data stored:
9.2 Restricted Data
Data should be classified as ‘Restricted’ when the unauthorized disclosure, alteration, or destruction of that data could cause a significant level of risk to Starkai Technologies or its affiliates. Examples of ‘Restricted’ data include data protected by confidentiality agreements. The highest level of security controls should be applied to ‘Restricted’ data.
9.3 Private Data
Data should be classified as ‘Private’ when the unauthorized disclosure, alteration, or destruction of that data could result in a moderate level of risk to Starkai Technologies. By default, all data that is not explicitly classified as ‘Restricted’ or ‘Public’ data should be treated as ‘Private’ data. A reasonable level of security controls should be applied to ‘Private’ data.
9.4 Public Data
Data should be classified as ‘Public’ when the unauthorized disclosure, alteration, or destruction of that data would result in little or no risk to Starkai Technologies. Examples of ‘Public’ data include press releases and website content. While little or no controls are required to protect the confidentiality of ‘Public’ data, some level of control is required to prevent unauthorized modification or destruction of ‘Public’ data.
10. Security of data
All Employees/Staff are responsible for ensuring that any personal data that Starkai Technologies holds and for which they are responsible, is kept securely and is not under any conditions disclosed to any third party unless that third party has been specifically authorized by Starkai Technologies to receive that information and has entered into a confidentiality agreement.
All personal data should be accessible only to those who need to use it. All personal data should be treated with the highest security and must be kept:
- in a lockable room with controlled access; and/or
- in a locked drawer or filing cabinet; and/or
- if computerized, password protected in line with IT requirements.
Care must be taken to ensure that PC screens and terminals are not visible except to authorized Employees/Staff of Starkai Technologies. All Employees/Staff are required to enter into an Acceptable Use Agreement before they are given access to organizational information of any sort, which details rules on screen time-outs.
Manual records may not be left where they can be accessed by unauthorized personnel and may not be removed from business premises without explicit authorization. As soon as manual records are no longer required for day-to-day client support, they must be removed and sent to secure archiving.
Personal data may only be deleted or disposed of in line with the Retention of Records Procedure. Manual records that have reached their retention date are to be shredded and disposed of as ‘confidential waste’. Hard drives of redundant PCs are to be removed and immediately destroyed as required by IT before disposal.
Processing of personal data ‘off-site’ presents a potentially greater risk of loss, theft, or damage to personal data. Staff must be specifically authorized to process data off-site.
11. Disclosure of data
Starkai Technologies must ensure that personal data is not disclosed to unauthorized third parties, which includes family members, friends, government bodies, and in certain circumstances, the Police. All Employees/Staff should exercise caution when asked to disclose personal data held on another individual to a third party. It is important to bear in mind whether or not disclosure of the information is relevant to, and necessary for, the conduct of Starkai Technologies’ business.
All requests to provide data for one of these reasons must be supported by appropriate paperwork and all such disclosures must be specifically authorized by the Directors or a line manager.
12. Retention and disposal of data
Starkai Technologies shall not keep personal data in a form that permits identification of data subjects for longer a period than is necessary, in relation to the purpose(s) for which the data was originally collected.
Starkai Technologies may store data for longer periods if the personal data will be processed solely for archiving purposes in the public interest, scientific or historical research purposes or statistical purposes, subject to the implementation of appropriate technical and organizational measures to safeguard the rights and freedoms of the data subject.
The retention period for each category of personal data will be set out in the Retention of Records Procedure along with the criteria used to determine this period including any statutory obligations Starkai Technologies has to retain the data.
Starkai Technologies’ data retention and data disposal procedures will apply in all cases.
Personal data must be disposed of securely in accordance with the sixth principle of the GDPR – processed in an appropriate manner to maintain security, thereby protecting the “rights and freedoms” of data subjects. Any disposal of data will be done in accordance with the secure disposal procedure.
13. Data transfers
Under the GDPR, all exports of data from within the European Economic Area (EEA) to non-European Economic Area countries (referred to in the GDPR as ‘third countries’) are unlawful unless there is an appropriate “level of protection for the fundamental rights of the data subjects”.
The transfer of personal data outside of the EEA is prohibited unless one or more of the specified safeguards, or exceptions, apply:
- An adequacy decision – The European Commission can and does assess third countries, a territory, and/or specific sectors within third countries to assess whether there is an appropriate level of protection for the rights and freedoms of natural persons. In these instances, no authorization is required. Countries that are members of the European Economic Area (EEA) but not of the EU are accepted as having met the conditions for an adequacy decision.
- There has been a partial finding of adequacy which covers Canada (the main base for Starkai Technologies). The adequacy finding for Canada only covers data that is subject to Canada's Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA). Not all data is subject to PIPEDA. Where this adequacy finding applies, this will be the basis for international transfer.
- Privacy Shield – If Starkai Technologies wishes to transfer personal data from the EU to an organisation in the United States, it should check that the organisation is signed up with the Privacy Shield framework at the U.S. Department of Commerce. The obligation applying to companies under the Privacy Shield is contained in the “Privacy Principles”. The US DOC is responsible for managing and administering the Privacy Shield and ensuring that companies live up to their commitments. To be able to certify, companies must have a privacy policy in line with the Privacy Principles e.g., use, store and further transfer the personal data according to a strong set of data protection rules and safeguards. The protection given to the personal data applies regardless of whether the personal data is related to an EU resident or not. Organizations must renew their “membership” to the Privacy Shield on an annual basis. If they do not, they can no longer receive and use personal data from the EU under that framework.
In making an assessment of adequacy, Starkai Technologies will take account of the following factors:
- the nature of the information being transferred;
- the country or territory of the origin, and final destination, of the information;
- how the information will be used and for how long;
- the laws and practices of the country of the transferee, including relevant codes of practice and international obligations; and
- the security measures that are to be taken as regards the data in the overseas location.
13.1.3 Binding corporate rules
Starkai Technologies may adopt approved binding corporate rules for the transfer of data outside the EEA. This requires submission to the relevant supervising authority for approval of the rules that Starkai Technologies is seeking to rely upon.
13.1.4 Model contract clauses
Starkai Technologies may adopt approved model contract clauses for the transfer of data outside of the EEA. If Starkai Technologies adopts the model contract clauses approved by the relevant supervising authority, there is an automatic recognition of adequacy.
13.1.5 Exceptions
In the absence of an adequacy decision, Privacy Shield membership, binding corporate rules, and/or model contract clauses, a transfer of personal data to a third country or international organization shall only take place on one of the following conditions:
- the data subject has explicitly consented to the proposed transfer, after having been informed of the possible risks of such transfers for the data subject due to the absence of an adequacy decision and appropriate safeguards;
- the transfer is necessary for the performance of a contract between the data subject and the controller or the implementation of pre-contractual measures taken at the data subject's request;
- the transfer is necessary for the conclusion or performance of a contract concluded in the interest of the data subject between the controller and another natural or legal person;
- the transfer is necessary for important reasons of public interest;
- the transfer is necessary for the establishment, exercise, or defense of legal claims; and/or
- the transfer is necessary to protect the vital interests of the data subject or other persons, where the data subject is physically or legally incapable of giving consent.
Starkai Technologies has appropriate safeguards in place to manage the transfer of personal data between its intra-group companies, including when said data transfers between companies outside the EEA.
14. Information asset register/data inventory
Starkai Technologies is aware of any risks associated with the processing of particular types of personal data.
Starkai Technologies assesses the level of risk to individuals associated with the processing of their personal data. Data protection impact assessments (DPIAs) are carried out concerning the processing of personal data by Starkai Technologies, and concerning processing undertaken by other organisations on behalf of Starkai Technologies.
Starkai Technologies shall manage any risks identified by the risk assessment to reduce the likelihood of non-conformance with this policy.
Where a type of processing, particularly using new technologies and taking into account the nature, scope, context, and purposes of the processing, is likely to result in a high risk to the rights and freedoms of natural persons, Starkai Technologies shall, before the processing, carry out a DPIA of the impact of the envisaged processing operations on the protection of personal data. A single DPIA may address a set of similar processing operations that present similar high risks.
Where, as a result of a DPIA, it is clear that Starkai Technologies is about to commence processing of personal data that could cause damage and/or distress to the data subjects, the decision as to whether or not Starkai Technologies may proceed must be escalated for review to the Directors.
The Directors shall, if there are significant concerns, either as to the potential damage or distress, or the quantity of data concerned, escalate the matter to the relevant supervising authority.
Appropriate controls will be selected and applied to reduce the level of risk associated with processing individual data to an acceptable level, by reference to Starkai Technologies’ documented risk acceptance criteria and the requirements of the GDPR.
15. Data Protection Officer
Starkai Technologies has considered the position and requirements under the GDPR and has decided not to appoint a Data Protection Officer (“DPO”). Starkai Technologies instead decided to take independent professional advice on the subject of data protection, showing that Starkai Technologies takes privacy of its customers, staff, and partners seriously.
16. Amazon Web Services (“AWS”)
Starkai Technologies makes use of AWS servers when deploying its products. Starkai Technologies and, Inc operate under the “AWS GDPR DATA PROCESSING ADDENDUM” (
16.2, Inc. is certified under the EU-US Privacy Shield and AWS is covered under this certification.